Most estimates can be completed in 20 minutes.
We offer convenient rentals from our own fleet of vehicles.
We work with all insurance companies.
We use our own rollbacks to tow your vehicle directly to our location for repair.
If you don't need to rent a vehicle from us, then we'll pick up and deliver your vehicle for free. *within a 10 mile radius.
We take pride in restoring your vehicle to its pre-accident condition.
Book your vehicle cleaning today. Start by clicking the link below, then choosing your vehicle type
Choice Collision has a long reputation of quality repairs. We are a modern facility, and we are quick to return your vehicle to pre-accident condition. We repair all makes and models, offer free pickup and delivery, and have a 24-hour towing program set up for the convenience of our customers. We work with all insurance companies. We have on-site rental vehicles so that you can drop your vehicle off and take the rental with you.
Each week we move all vehicles out of the shop, blow the shop down, and mop all around the edges. We finish the weekly cleaning by running a floor scrubber throughout the shop to ensure that your vehicles will be worked on in the cleanest possible environment.
Choice Collision is located just outside the Borough of Mercersburg in southcentral Pennsylvania. Our location is easily accessible with plenty of parking.